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Whether you’re a local or simply visiting, you want to know if there’s a car boot sale on this weekend, a church jumble sale or a 5k fun run. Maybe you’re looking for a local comedy night, an amateur dramatics production, and let’s not forget carol singing or village fetes.

And obviously don’t forget to sign up to receive the monthly BV magazine here too.

Tea in the Garden at The Old Rectory,Stock Gaylard

The Old Rectory,Stock Gaylard, DT10 2BG The Old Rectory, Stock Gaylard

“ Come and have Tea in the Garden” on Saturday 29 June 2-5 pm at The Old Rectory,Stock Gaylard, DT10 2BG. Admission including Tea £5 , Children under 12 free, well behaved dogs on leads welcome. Stalls ,Tombola and Raffle. Parking. All proceeds towards the Lydlinch Bells Fund.” We look forward to seeing you there”


Kington Magnafest

Kington Magna Music Field Church Hill, Kington Magna, Gillingham, Dorset, United Kingdom

A proper Dorset event: cider bar, hay bales, three live bands, Pimm's & Ploughmans tent, hot food (day), BBQ (evening), cream teas, kidszone, 25 crafts and fayre stalls, garden produce competition + more - all starting at 10.30am with a steam, old tractor and vintage car rally through the village


Kington Magnafest

Kington Magna Music Field Church Hill, Kington Magna, Gillingham, Dorset, United Kingdom

A proper Dorset event: cider bar, hay bales, three live bands, Pimm's & Ploughmans tent, hot food (day), BBQ (evening), cream teas, kidszone, 25 crafts and fayre stalls, garden produce competition + more - all starting at 10.30am with a steam, old tractor and vintage car rally through the village
