At Bluebean Publishing, we are committed to fostering a positive work environment. Occasionally, situations may arise that require formal disciplinary or grievance procedures. The following outlines our approach to handling such matters, ensuring fairness and compliance with UK employment law.
Disciplinary Procedure
- Informal Resolution: Where possible, issues should be resolved informally through discussion between the involved parties.
- Formal Allegation: If informal resolution is not possible, a formal written complaint should be made. The employee will receive written notification of the complaint against them, including full details and the basis for potential disciplinary action.
- Investigation: An investigation will be conducted promptly by an impartial member of the management team to establish the facts of the case.
- Disciplinary Hearing: The employee will be invited to a disciplinary hearing to discuss the issue. They have the right to be accompanied by a colleague or a trade union representative.
- Decision and Sanction: Following the hearing, a decision will be made. If disciplinary action is required, it may range from a verbal warning to, in serious cases, dismissal. The employee will be informed in writing of the decision and have the right to appeal.
- Appeal: If the employee wishes to appeal the decision, they must inform management within five working days. An appeal hearing will then be arranged, which will be overseen by a manager not previously involved in the case.
Grievance Procedure
- Informal Discussion: Employees are encouraged to discuss any grievances informally with their immediate supervisor to seek a resolution.
- Formal Grievance: If the issue cannot be resolved informally, the employee may raise a formal grievance in writing.
- Acknowledgement: Management will acknowledge receipt of the grievance within three working days and begin an investigation.
- Grievance Meeting: A meeting will be arranged to discuss the grievance with the employee, who has the right to be accompanied by a colleague or trade union representative.
- Outcome: Following the meeting, a decision will be communicated to the employee in writing, along with details of any actions to be taken to resolve the grievance.
- Appeal: Should the employee be unsatisfied with the outcome, they can appeal in writing, specifying the grounds of their appeal. An appeal hearing will then be conducted by a manager not previously involved in the case.
General Provisions
- Confidentiality: All proceedings will be kept confidential.
- Records: Written records of all formal proceedings will be maintained.
- Representation: Employees have the right to be accompanied at any formal meeting.
- Time Frames: We aim to resolve issues as swiftly as possible, but all time frames can be extended if necessary, by agreement of all parties.
These procedures are designed to ensure that all disciplinary and grievance matters are handled in a fair, transparent, and lawful manner, in accordance with the ACAS Code of Practice and UK employment legislation.