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Choral Evensong

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our monthly, cathedral-style service of Choral Evensong on Saturday 28th September at 4.30pm in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The music includes Parry ‘My soul there is a country’, Brewer ‘Evening Canticles in D’, Beeby ‘Preces & Responses’ and Bairstow ‘Blessed city, heavenly Salem’. Do join us for this free event […]


Choral Eucharist

St Peter's Church Dorchester 26 High East Street, Dorchester

You are warmly invited to our monthly, cathedral-style service of Choral Eucharist on Sunday 3rd November at 10.30am in St Peter’s Church, Dorchester. The music includes: Palestrina ‘Missa Papae Marcelli’, Eleanor Daley ‘Upon your heart’ and Morales ‘Peccantem me quotidie’. All are very welcome to this free service and for refreshments afterwards.
