LLTL, supporting Dorset’s best


2024 has been a very busy year here at Love Local Trust Local HQ. We started working hard at the beginning of the year, finishing the new website which we had started working on in 2023.
Next we had to finalise the classes for the 2024 Awards, before the launch in March. The awards year ended with a dinner and awards ceremony in the members pavilion at the Dorset County Show on 3rd September – more than 150 people attended this wonderful evening. Although it was an extremely cold night, many people left the event saying they were truly inspired by their experience. Local councillors and business people from all over Dorset came and enjoyed the feast of local food before the awards ceremony.
We must extend a big thank you once again to all the sponsors and judges who gave their time to go and meet with the amazing Dorset entrepreneurs and make the hard decisions of choosing the winners. I seem to say it every year, but the entries were truly amazing with inspiring stories from excellent Dorset producers.
This was our fourth year of awards, and we are always learning from them! The next awards will be in 2026 and there will be new and old categories to be announced at the beginning of 2026 which we are already working on. It might seem a long way away but as we all know time flies and it will be here before we know it!

Looking ahead
Even without an awards next year, 2025 will be busy, with three or four workshops planned plus some fun networking evenings for everyone. We have already enjoyed a fun skittle evening to kick off these events.
Rawston Farm will also be hosting Open Farm Sunday which is on 8th June 2025. I sincerely hope it will be well supported not just by the general public but by our Love Local family. In previous years we have had 2,000 people through the farm gate, and we’re aiming to see this many and maybe more next summer. At the event, the Love Local Farmers Market allows local businesses to showcase what they produce and let people know where to find them.
We have also been working on our directory which we hope will not only help put local business in touch with each other, but also ber an easy way for everyone to find them and see what they do. As a self-funded not-for-profit organisation, we are hoping this directory will help us build our growing movement to continue our important work.
Lastly, on a personal note I’d like to say just how lovely it’s been to get to know and work with so many like-minded people. Recently, Jon and Barbara from Help & Kindness gave us the opportunity to join in the Dorset COP conference at Bournemouth University. The Power of Good Food Partnerships across Dorset workshop showcased the importance of having a strong voice, working together and creating robust local food networks.

One last request
For those who attended the LLTL awards dinner, you might remember our song My Story. Please do have a listen (you can just play the video below!) and share it on Spotify or YouTube – every play we achieve helps to spread our message! It’s crucial that we continue to stand up for Dorset’s amazing farmers, food producers, and creators of all things grown, produced, caught, reared, brewed, crafted, or cooked locally.
Barbara Cossins
Founder, Love Local Trust Local


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