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Israel Palestine
As the tragedy between Israel and Palestine continues Wincanton Quakers are hosting a talk by an observer who has just returned from the West Bank.
Since 2002 the Quakers have managed a programme called Ecumenical Accompaniers (EAPPI) on behalf of the World Council of Churches. It has meant that over 1,500 people from 22 countries have spent time living amongst the people of the West Bank, the Jordan Valley and East Jerusalem.
EAPPI is non-violent and non-partisan. It uses the internationally recognised role of accompaniment as a framework, provides a protective presence and reports widely to raise awareness of human rights violations.
The Very Reverend Nicholas Papadopulos, Dean of Salisbury has just returned from observing the situation and will be speaking at The Balsam Centre, Wincanton at 7.0 pm on Monday 15th July. It is an open meeting and all are welcome.
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