Daring to dream big?


Ken Huggins North Dorset Green Party

The New Year brings an opportunity to take stock of where we are, and to decide how we might change the way we do things, for the better, so that 2025 becomes a year we can look back on with satisfaction, instead of regret.
Regardless of our many differences, we all share one thing that is absolutely essential for life – the planet we inhabit. In many ways it’s in a mess right now, and we face huge challenges … but humans can be incredibly resourceful and it is certainly within our power to change things for the better.
We are great survivors, largely thanks to our ingenuity. And ingenuity relies on what is perhaps our greatest strength: our imagination. It not only enables us to find solutions, it also inspires and motivates us to take action. Focussing solely on what we don’t want can leave us feeling disempowered: challenges can seem insurmountable.
Instead, if we use our creative imagination to focus on what we actually do want, we can be uplifted and inspired to make it happen.
Rob Hopkins from Totnes is the author of ‘From What Is to What If – Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want’. His book is full of real-world examples of the positive difference made by creative thinking. He makes a compelling case for the use of more imagination in school, at work, in our personal lives and in politics.
My own political imagining is of our elected representatives choosing to act collectively, and for the common good. MPs rejecting the pressures of political dogma and of wealthy vested interests splashing cash and favours to influence political decisions. Imagine that!
Around the world ever-more positive actions are being taken to address our many challenges. However, they are still nowhere near enough, as the decline in wildlife and the changing climate clearly show. Although many of us struggle with demands on our time and energy at the moment, we can still find actions to take, no matter how small. So let’s imagine the glorious world we want, and find ways we can help to help make it happen. Together. Onwards and up!
Ken Huggins
North Dorset Green Party


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