here’s something about September that invites reflection – for me it feels far more like a ‘new year’ than January ever does. After the frantic energy whirl of summer, September always feels like a great big gulp of fresh air, a deep breath and a pause as we balance the last warm days of summer (she says as the rain continues to pelt the windows) with the early morning hints of the cool damp months ahead. For me, it’s a reminder that life is about balance – between busy and rest, work and play, sociable and solitude.
August was not a month of balance at BV HQ as we ended up publishing five publications – we have been working with the G&S Show, Clayesmore Classic & Supercar Sunday, Dorset County Show … and we’ve also been frantically working on the soon-to-be-published Frome Cheese Show magazine too. Combine those with the normal monthly load that is the BV, and add the fact that Courtenay is still recovering but not quite well yet, and we are frankly ready for the big pause button that September will bring.
Thank goodness for an amazing team, great friends … and for coffee.
We have attended as many events around the county this month as we’ve been able – if you’re organising an event, we’re always happy to be invited! – and we are excited to be welcoming in September at the Dorset County Show this weekend. Looking at the forecast currently, I fear the posh wellies will be pulled on for the occasion. You can thank C for the rain, by the way – he bought us a new umbrella ‘just in case’…
Laura x