Win an iPad with the official Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show magazine!



We’ve decided to offer an iPad to one lucky reader – just because we have been so excited to be working with the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show team on their first official show magazine!

Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show magazine

Just click the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show magazine cover (or here) to enter your details and be in to win. Then stay and read the show magazine!

There’s loads of insider info (ever wondered what an egg judge judges? US TOO! So we asked…), exclusive interviews with the people who make the show happen, along with what not to miss and the handy timetable of events. There’s even a link to the showground map – it’s all you need in your phone on the day itself.

And if you’re not going to the G&S Show – well, read it anyway! It’s full of fascinating stuff like the difficulties of shearing Dorset Poll sheep, the life of the show’s only female steam engine driver, and of COURSE you too want to know what an egg judge is judging, yes? Plus you still get to enter to win the iPad!

Just click the picture and leave your email to be in to win!

If you ARE coming to the show, stop by and say hello – we’re stand E13, just by the member’s pavilion on the main ring, and would love to see you!

(obviously big thanks to BV Dairy for their sponsorship of the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show magazine)


  1. […] Zesty Lemon Cake Recipe feature in the show programme for the Gillingham & Shaftesbury Show, put together by the BV […]


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