Well, THAT went well! We genuinely expected a quiet whimper of perhaps 30 downloads for our first episode last month. We did not expect over 375 inside the first week!
just press play above to dive in!
Nor did we expect the lovely comments – we expected to be popular with crafters and drivers (my own preference is a podcast in the kitchen while I’m baking). But Courtenay was even taken aside at a wedding by a lady to be told how the podcast had enthralled her blind mother in Stalbridge, who was overjoyed at sitting and listening to her dose of local news, read by local voices.
One of the comments we DID receive, however, was that it was far too long. Whilst you can of course dip in and out like an audio book, far nicer would be shorter episodes through the month. And we are nothing if not obedient (we’re not, actually, but we DO listen – Ed).
So this month has been divided into three parts – and part one is out now for your listening pleasure, 45 minutes read as always by Jenny Devitt and Terry Bennett (except for a small walk-on part by Laura….)
In this first of May’s episodes:
- The Letter from the Editor
- How ‘A Dorset Kitchen’ is so very much more than a recipe book A wonderful new country life focusing on home-grown produce and beautiful food could have been shattered by the death of a son. But the family have strained every sinew to wrestle good from the tragedy, says Rachael Rowe
- Clamping down on rural crime Rural crimes can be violent, costly and yet are often misunderstood, requiring an entire community approach reports Andrew Livingston
- Storm clouds are brewing on the horizon at the Vale Pantry A growing number of proud pensioners are in tears when seeking help to feed themselves – the Pantry’s Carole Jones spoke to Rachael Rowe
- Philip Hart 1958 – 2022. ‘I’ll always remember his infectious laugh’ “We are sad to say ‘farewell’ to a community-minded employer, a stalwart of local business, and simply my friend” says Jon Dart
- Dorset Chamber auction raises over £11,000 for Ukraine DEC Swift donations from Dorset businesses lead to a successful auction raising £11,242 for the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukraine Appeal
- The Iron Man of Sturminster! ‘Forging ahead to restore the past’ seems a good motto for Ian Ring, who owns Newton Forge, the Sturminster-based World Heritage business, and whose work is in demand across the UK. Tracie Beardsley reports in this month’s A Country Living
- Covent Garden Dance Company Director Matt Brady takes on the Random 19 Matt Brady, Director of The Covent Garden Dance Company, who created Ballet Under the Stars at Hatch House, is celebrating the event’s return this summer, after a three year absence. On 22nd, 23rd and 24th July audiences in the beautiful 17th century walled Dutch garden venue just north of Shaftesbury can enjoy an incredible line-up of dancers – many of them Principal dancers from companies including the National Ballet of Ukraine, The Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet and Staatsballett Berlin. Xander Parish returns to the Hatch theatre this year dancing with his wife, Anastasia Demidova.
- “James Herriott has a lot to answer for” David Sidwick is about to celebrate his first anniversary as Dorset’s Police Crime Commissioner. He shares his top eight music choices with us as May’s Castaway on Dorset Island Discs
Love this. Xxxx
Alexa says she cannot find BV Magazine podcast or Blackmore Vale Magazine podcast. Do you share the podcast with Amazon, if indeed that is what you have to do?
Pt 1 was great, is there somewhere I can find all episodes in the same place.
I will be sharing this with a private FB group for former members of Sturminster Newton Methodist Youth Club who now all over the country.
Thank you and keep up the good work!
We do, and it’s definitely there, but like you we’re also having trouble making Alexa play the right one (apparently Alexa’s known for always picking the most obsure solution to a podcast request…). We’ll investigate the necessary phrase and come back to you!
In the meantime every episode is embedded on the website here https://www.theblackmorevale.co.uk/category/bv-magazine-podcast/, or you can play them direct on Podbean here https://thebvmagazine.podbean.com/. Finally, it’s on Spotify here https://open.spotify.com/show/5tLXmixj6zZ9GjfZY0oPgb?si=b07fa756f28644c4