Here at Damory Vets one common query we get during the Winter is about fleas. Animals get fleas from other animals and from the external environment. Did you know that although fleas lay eggs on your pet the eggs only stay on the animal for a short period of time before they drop off into the environment? Within 3-5 days the eggs in the house can hatch into larvae that burrow into furnishings in the home. Because of this, a shocking 90-95% of fleas live in the environment and the visible fleas you see on your pet only make up 5-10% of the population in your home.

Fleas survive best in warm, humid environments so, the autumn and winter are particularly prolific times for fleas as you start to turn on your heating, making the house the perfect temperature for fleas to thrive and breed. Another reason these seasons are perfect for fleas is that your pet’s coats change and become thicker, creating an ideal environment for fleas to survive in.
Controlling fleas at this time of year requires multiple approaches. It is important to treat your pets with flea products to stop them getting infested and bringing fleas into the home, your vets will sell a range of prescription products that will prevent and kill fleas on your pet. However, it is also equally important to control the fleas in the environment; in particular on the pet’s bedding, carpets, sofas and blankets. To get rid of the fleas in the environment it is important to wash your pet’s bedding
regularly at over 50 degrees Celsius. Hoovering carpets regularly, including under the sofas and furniture, is important too. Additionally, there are household insecticides available that can be sprayed on furnishings to eliminate fleas.
We hope you and your pets enjoy a pest free Autumn from the Small Animal Team at Damory Vets.
Julie Roper
Practice Manager
Damory Veterinary Clinic
Edward Street
Blandford Forum
DT11 7QT
Telephone: 01258 452626