Lighthouse temporary closure is only a pause not a stop.


Following the recent Government announcement Lighthouse, Poole’s centre for the arts, has issued the following statement:

Lighthouse temporary closure

‘Lighthouse will close from Thursday 5 November until Wednesday 2 December.

Live performances, film screenings and activities up to and including Wednesday 4 November will still be taking place and The Beacon Café will be open.

We will be in touch with ticket holders for all affected shows as soon as we can. Until we are advised otherwise all shows from and including Thursday 3 December will take place as advertised.

During this short period of closure our ticket office phone lines will remain open from 10am to 5pm and tickets for future shows after 2 December will be available online at or by phone on 01202 280000.

CEO, Elspeth McBain said: “We have been so fortunate to have been open for the last six weeks and seen artists and audiences returning to our venue. This second closure is a short pause and with determination, a can-do

attitude and our usual showbiz gusto we aim to be back for a fabulous Christmas season.

“We are grateful that the Government has permitted television production and performance rehearsals behind closed doors to continue and so the BSO live streamed concert series will continue.

“Thank you for your support, patience and understanding during this time. The team at Lighthouse appreciate this enormously.’

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