Category: school news

Sandroyd appoints new Deputy Head (Academics)

Abi Carlyle-Clark, Sandroyd’s Deputy Head of Academics, leaves Sandroyd at the end of the spring term to become Headteacher for Semley CE VA Primary....

Okeford Fitzpaine fundraisers for Ukraine

Following the crisis occurring in the Ukraine at the moment, as a school, the children decided they would like to help the humanitarian effort...

Bryanston’s Annual Charities Weekend raisesa staggering £55,000 for charity and aid.

Children add personal messages of hope as aid trucks depart for Ukraine following record fundraising drive by Bryanston pupils. Bryanston School’s annual Charities Weekend was...

Idris swims to raise money for the homeless

When Idris Briggs (year 4) saw someone sitting on the ground outside some shops, his mummy explained that some people do not have homes...

“Let nature be your teacher”

William Wordsworth Tucked away past verdant rugby and hockey pitches, in the shadow of Hambledon Hill, is Clayesmore School’s magical lake. Originally built in the 1920s,...

St Mary’s Approved to Become a New SEND School and a Leading National Centre of Excellence

A new school with fantastic facilities will improve the lives of Dorset children with SEND and reduce future costs, after ambitious plans were last...


Bucked in the Yarn

Three small Somerset villages had a huge impact on global exploration and trade – Rachael Rowe talks to Professor Terry Stevens “Nothing much ever happened...

Pay the farmers for … farming

My background, prior to entering politics, is in small-scale commercial rooftop solar. Not the 50MW utility-scale type project being proposed for near Bradford Abbas....

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