Category: Local History

The Reddlewoman | Looking Back

Roger Guttridge recalls a colourful character from old Dorset Thomas Hardy fans will remember a character in The Return of the Native called Diggory Venn,...

The Original Blackmore Vale Magazine’s early years | Looking back

As one door closes and another opens, Roger Guttridge looks back on the Blackmore Vale Magazine’s early years Sipping a pint in his local one...

Sturminster Newton’s Market Cross | Then and Now

It’s been home to a pump, a horse trough, market stalls and parked cars, but now the roadside spot at Sturminster Newton’s Market Cross...


Bucked in the Yarn

Three small Somerset villages had a huge impact on global exploration and trade – Rachael Rowe talks to Professor Terry Stevens “Nothing much ever happened...

Pay the farmers for … farming

My background, prior to entering politics, is in small-scale commercial rooftop solar. Not the 50MW utility-scale type project being proposed for near Bradford Abbas....

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