Category: Dorset Politics

Double the sewage, triple the stink

This article is published on the day that Dorset Council election votes are counted. By the time you read this, the celebrations and disappointments...

Crossing lines: make a green shift

In this year of elections – and hopefully welcome changes – look out for attempts by some to portray themselves as environmental champions. West...

Election reflections

From campaign trails to optimistic tales: MP Simon Hoare has been considering why we see so little positivity in politicsI sit writing this article...

Dorset Council’s housing policies: failing local people

It’s a known fact that 40% of Dorset’s population are on low wages. In the Dorset Council and BCP Council (next door) areas, more...

Double the sewage, triple the stink

The water companies just can’t keep out of the news. The figures for sewage discharges for 2023 were issued last week by the Environment...

Crossing lines: make a green shift

Although I’d only ever voted Conservative before, I remember the sense of anticipation that things were going to change for the better when Tony...


Joe Tizzard on Cue Card, the Gold Cup and a Guinness or two

Ahead of the Cheltenham Festival, editor Laura spoke to the ultimate insider Joe Tizzard: from festival memories to Gold Cup predictions, he shares his...

A very boring podcast (that isn’t)

Do you know what's tricky? Making three deeply interesting interviews sound like they're worth your time, when they're about 'eating healthily, loans for home...

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