Category: Dorset Politics
The Dorset Politics section another of those boring sections we hear you cry.
But is it really? I know politics, Dorset or otherwise can drag you down sometimes. I mean we have all watched question time, open mouthed, frutrated at politicians and there petty arguing.
But, when it comes donw to it, politics plays an importnat part in all our lives.
And in the Dorset Politics section, we have strict rules for our politicians. we are happy for thenm to discuss issues, issue for Dorset and of course for the wider United Kingdom as well.
But what we do not allow is that political pettiness, spitefullness, point scoring.
We do allow difffernce of opinion and ideas, of course but ask for respectfullness. We are pleased to say that our candidtaes thus far have behaved themselves thus.
So what we have actually ended up with is an interesting section full of opinions, ideas and even in some cases the coming together of minds.
We are represented by all the main parties from Simon Hoare our MP and conservative of course. But also representation from the Labour, Liberal democrats and the Green parties.
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