Category: Dorset Farming

The 47 cow heartbreak

From devastating tests to tax protests, James Cossins sees resilience and unity as the driving forces behind such challenging times in farmingSince my last...

Is it the year of the egg? |Farm Tales

Pessimism, promises and poultry: Andrew Livingston asks if 2025’s lofty food and farming goals may already be slipping through our fingersWhen you return to...

Championing rural Britain

The BV takes a look inside the Countryside Alliance’s fight to protect rural traditions and livelihoods and to drive sustainable countryside policiesMany people have...

Two FCN quiz nights coming up!

January and February can often be a hard slog for the farming community – with seemingly-constant inclement weather combined with dark mornings, short days...

A quick catch up with the FCN

Christmas has so many different meanings to each person and every family. For me, it’s the tradition that makes Christmas important – and as...

Watch where you put your finger …

Last month my partner and I actually managed to sneak away for a well-earned break. For a whole weekend we managed to have no...


Chris Wald’s insider’s guide to Team Tizzard at Cheltenham

We have been so lucky to finally enjoy some spring-like weather over the last couple of weeks – it always comes as a welcome...

Learning Mentor required by Future Roots

Based in rural West Dorset, Future Roots is a well-established provider of complimentary education and re-engagement services for children and young people. Working with...

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