Category: Book Corner

Your summer reading list

Just in time for the summer holidays, Wayne Winstone shares his top reads for you to tuck into a suitcase or settle down with...

A career in the skies – life as a test pilot

Former Royal Navy officer Chris Taylor, an acclaimed civil certification test pilot, explains the unique skill set required for the job When you jet off...

Defiant women in a man’s world

We are looking forward to welcoming bestselling author Kate Mosse to Sherborne next month for an evening talk and signing with her brand new...

Discovering the uncharted charm of Dorset

By exploring the county’s quirky, unconventional stories, Jon Woolcott urges readers to experience Dorset with fresh eyes. By Jane Adams ‘Please don’t use Real Dorset...

A dawn chorus of paperbacks for spring…

The Nightingale: Notes on a songbird by Sam Lee (£13)Throughout history, its sweet song has inspired musicians, writers and artists from Germany, France and...

Win a £100 National Trust book bundle!

We're really excited to celebrate the launch of the National Trust's latest title - Wild Escapes by Sian Anna Lewis! Wild Escapes: Incredible Places...


Bucked in the Yarn

Three small Somerset villages had a huge impact on global exploration and trade – Rachael Rowe talks to Professor Terry Stevens “Nothing much ever happened...

Tap dancing in the attic

Wildlife writer Jane Adams’ nocturnal visitors lead her on a quest to outsmart a quartet of attic mice in a whimsical tale of persistence As...

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